Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Cycle of Blues

A Blue note,
Resonating within my heart.
Extended arms open,
Like the welcome of my bed
I lay to rest.

A murky water,
Stagnant and festering,
Distorting the sound,
As rippled trails run down.

The hollow feeling.
Emptiness, pulsating,
Within my broken soul.
A darkness rises.

Raw anger,
Bubbled to the surface.
My vessel bursts, screaming
Begging relief from the heat,
And scalding liquid hate.

The cool, calm, and inviting,
Air, moist and soothing.
From a soft whisper,
I am renewed.

Every ounce,
Sliding down my throat,
A bittersweet sensation.
And yet,
It is still there.

The sound,
A chorus resounding,
Echoing boldly,
In the darkest chamber.
A single note.

(c) Steve Johnston

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